Monday, March 14, 2011


We were just assigned this book called Night by Elie Wiesel. Wiesel is a survivor of the holocaust and he's written four or five books on the topic. He is a truly remarkabe person. At the end of the book there's an interview with Wiesel and it's just awe inspiring the faith he has in humanity despite the horrors he described in the book. I highly recommend you go get it ~NOW~! 

"I told them what I felt about the American uniform, because that meant not only victory it meant a triumph, a triumph of humanity."
He is speaking of an African American sergeant who came into camp to liberate prisoners and when he saw the Jewish prisoners he began sobbing and cussing, so horrified at what he saw. The prisoners tried to calm him and console him, which made it worse. Naturally, I mean if those prisoners tried to comfort you wouldn't you cry harder too.

Wiesel also writes of babies being used for machine gunner targets, children being used for bayonet practice, sons beating their fathers trying to survive longer. Its beyond words.

He has such faith in humanity despite the terrible things he wittnessed, and at the same age as I am now.
There are so many more quotes I'd love to share with you, but you won't really get the context without reading Night. I will post the link to the interview though, he's quite a character! I just can't quantify with words how impressed I am with him, and yet it's not even impressed, its almost like inferior to, but in a good way, a respectful way. Please read it, it is pretty long, but it's worth it! I couldn't find the actual interview it's called "A Wound that will Never be Healed" with Bob Costas. The one i found was with the Academy of Achievment.

Here it is:


Thursday, March 10, 2011


Yes, I'm making up words now! But, we've all felt it. You say something at a normal volume, and nobody responds. You might as well have not said anything! You've either been on the ignored or the ignoree side. I know you have. Let's hear it. What did you say, who ignored you or who did you ignore (don't name names, just a general idea), when and where was it, why did you do it? We want to hear it. VENT PEOPLE VENT!

I found these inspiring and I hope you do too.

I wanted attention and I wanted to make a spectacle of myself because I couldn't stand to be ignored. - James Ellroy (Mystery Writer)
K's Opinion: Remember Everyone deals with being ignored differently. Some accept it, others rebel against it.
There's a lot of mediocrity being celebrated, and a lot of wonderful stuff being ignored or discouraged- Sean Penn (Actor)
K's Opinion: You are the wonderful stuff! Let them celebrate that average, unexceptional person! Remember who you are and who your friends are! By the way: Mediocre means average. I've heard it used several different ways, but the true definition is average. 
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. - Martin Luther King Jr. (I sincerely hope you know who this is!)
K's Opinion: MLK Jr. says it best. Being ignored or being ignorant are both dangerous. You could be missing out on some awesome wonderful people by being ignorant! Also, in my book ignorance=stupidity. So, if you're ignored remeber: It's their loss, not yours.

Okay, I decided I'll write rules in Purple to distuinguish them from the rest of the blog. And as always: Comment about what you want to discuss!
Rule #2: Being ignored feels awful. Don't let someone ignore you, no one on this planet is worth more than anybody else.
Rule #3: This is for those people on the other side of the glass. Don't ignore someone. Listen to what they have to say. You'll often find it's worth it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Okay, I'm done with that.

Sorry, I hate that my first post was a downer. I'm really a happy person and I'll try not to do that any more okay? Feel free to call me out on it. So whats up with you guys? What all do you want to discuss? I'm running out of stuff so here you go: I'm 15 and I have a great life. I'm your stereotypical invisible high school student. I guarantee if we go to school together you have no idea who I am. That's what works best. I live with a no drama policy. I'll help you if you need it, but don't involve me directly. Anyone feel the same? and remember to post what you want to discuss.

Also I'll try to show you guys the rules I live by:

Rule #1: Drama is best kept on the stage. Seriously legit emotion is fine, but when you just want attention: forget it!

Sorry, I'm not usually like this.

Okay so I'm not usually one of those whiny people. I  just need to vent. Nobody needs to read this if they don't want to so don't complain. Actually do, I dare you. See what happens! Anyway so on Sunday I was at dinner and my friend texts me "Hey there's something i need to tell you . . . I'm leaving the barn sometime in the next week." No, this wasn't out of the blue, but I never figured she'd actually leave. She's like my sister, and now she's leaving and she's gonna forget me. She also cancelled on our spring break plans but whatever. It's not like it's a big deal. Go leave whatever. I hate being forgotten but go ahead. Cee lo says it best: "I wish you the best with a fuck you!" Have fun with your new friends. I really hope things go well for her there but I don't want her to leave. Anybody get it? If so comment and fill us in on your situation.